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Artists X Brands


Knauf /  Eqiom / Illbruck / Mapei / CMEM / Semin 

Knauf France

Artistic collaboration
Knauf France X Thomas Bringold
Limited edition
Launch : September 2022


Image de Lucas Andrade

Coming soon !

Eqiom France

Artistic Collaboration
Eqiom X Mathieu Clauss
Packaging Limited edition
Launch - end of 2022 


Artistic Collaboration
Semin X Gambette
Art piece creation for an event created by the brand. 

Image de Lucas Andrade

Coming soon !

Image de Lucas Andrade

Coming soon !

Mapei France

Artistic Collaboration
Mapei X Johanne Licard
Communication campaign :
The sneakers

Tremco Illbruck

Artistic Collaboration
Illbruck X Miguel Bucana
Illustration and communication supports adaptations

Image de Lucas Andrade

Coming soon !

Coming soon !


Artistic Collaboration
Cmem X Thomas Bringold
Creation of art pieces for the winners of cmem competitions for innovatives and sustainable products creation.   

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